It's be almost a year exactly since our 20 week ultra sound that showed the challenges our family would face upon Eli's arrival. To say this year has been challenging would be an understatement.
The first of thousands of pictures of Isabel with her little brother :) |
There have been times where we have thought there just isn't much more we can take. That we just weren't going to make it. That the heartache just wouldn't go away.
But those are all the little lies that Satan whispers in our ears. Our deepest fears and insecurities are what Satan loves to thrive on the most.
The truth is, Eric and I did not do any of this alone. When all of this started, my brilliant husband had an idea, a very brilliant idea. He sent out an email to some of our most trusted God loving friends AKA our Prayer Warriors, asking for help. Big prayers. Healing for our baby. Eric and I were in such a state of shock that we knew we could not carry the burden of this on our own. We needed community to carry us though.
Before we knew it, there were people and churches around the world praying for out little man. The outpouring of love, food, prayers, and support were completely overwhelming. And the results of all those prayers miraculous.
Our baby alive and well! Crooked feet and all :) |
As we mentioned in a post last week, the last few weeks have been rough. Eli had his 6 month appointment with the pediatrician. We were told he was developmentally delayed. We had our first appointment with Help Me Grown where they also confirmed that Eli was developmentally delayed and qualified for some additional services (
more on that in a later post). All of which resulted in Eli having a MRI done on his brain.
So incredibly stressful as you can imagine! And once again my hubby sent out an email asking for prayers.
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Batman waiting for his MRI |
In recovery sleeping like a angel :) |
At 7 months, Eli was still unable to sit up, push up, roll front to back, was having a difficult time rolling back to front, and wouldn't even put his feet down to attempt to stand. The day after the MRI, wouldn't you know, Eli didn't start to do just one of those things, he did ALL of those things!
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Sitting like a champ! |
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That's some awesome neck strength :o) |
Yesterday, Eli had his 7 month appointment with the Orthopedist. Considering all the issues we have had recently with his braces, keeping them on, getting a good fit, and his general dislike for wearing them at bedtime, Eric and I were really nervous about the upcoming appointment.
After almost a hour and a half wait to see the doctor, we were taken back in to see the doctor and told the news I had longed to hear! Eli's feet looked wonderful! They said his heel cord looked great and it didn't look like he was going to need surgery again! And no more appointments for the next 5 months! Praise God! And thank you to our Prayer Warriors for making this moment happen!!
I hardly knew how to react. I almost cried out of habit. This time I fought back the happy tears, picked up a bucket of chicken from KFC, and we celebrated a simply wonderful week!
Yep, it was awesome :)